There are seven components of resilience, according to Dr. Ginsburg. They are: competence, confidence, connection, character, contribution, coping and control. Each one is important in its own way and they all work together to help someone be resilient.
The ability to effectively manage stress is a crucial life skill. Learning how to face challenges and cope with difficult situations can help people feel more confident and competent in dealing with whatever life throws their way.
Habits that may help with stress management include:
- Regular Exercise
- Spend time outdoors
- Drink less alcohol and caffeine
- Create a sleep schedule.
- Don’t use your electronics 30-60 minutes before bed.
- Try meditation or other forms of relaxation before going to bed
Self-confidence is the belief in one’s own abilities. It is rooted in competence and developed through demonstrating one’s ability in various situations.
Anyone can raise their self confidence by building positive relationships, being kind to yourself, learning to be more assertive and recognizing what we are good at.
People who are connected to their friends, family, and community groups tend to feel more secure and have a stronger sense of belonging. These individuals are usually more likely to hold strong values and are less likely to turn to destructive behaviors as an alternative.
Emotional connections are often built on platforms of mutual trust. Strong emotional connections can also be built by not only always being honest about how you feel about things but also acknowledging others feelings, giving emotional support and validating your emotions.
An individual with “character” enjoys a high level of self-esteem and confidence. They are aware of their values and are comfortable sticking to them. It is possible for them to demonstrate a caring attitude towards others. Their sense of right and wrong is strong, and they are prepared to make wise choices and contribute to society.
David Horsager suggests bestselling author and keynote speaker suggest that there are 5 ways to build a strong character:
- Be Humble
- Live out your principles and values
- Be intentional
- Practice self-discipline
- Be accountable
A person who experiences personally contributing to the world can learn the powerful lesson that the world is a better place because of them. People will be more likely to make decisions and take action to improve the world after hearing thanks and appreciation for their contributions, thereby enhancing their own competence, character, and sense of connection.
There are many ways to contribute to a better world such as being kind to others, apologising when you have done something wrong, regular exercise, say thank you and appreciate the little things and never stop smiling …its contagious.
In order to cope more effectively and overcome life’s challenges, people need a wide repertoire of coping skills (social skills, stress reduction skills).
Healthy coping skills include:
- Asking for help
- Creating a to-do list
- Establish healthy boundaries
- Walk away from stressful situations
- Work on your time management
People who realize that they have control over their actions and decisions are more likely to make choices that will allow them to bounce back from life’s challenges.
According to Forbes there are 5 ways to improve self control:
- Remove temptations
- Measure your progress
- Learn how to manage your stress
- Prioritize things
- Forgive yourself
Amy Morin, LCSW. (2022). Healthy Coping Skills for Uncomfortable Emotions. [Online]. Very Well Mind. Last Updated: 06 September 2022. Available at: [Accessed 20 October 2022].
CBT Professionals. (2013). The 7 C’s of Resilience. [Online]. CBT Professionals. Last Updated: 14 December 2013. Available at: [Accessed 20 October 2022].
David Horsager. (2019). Five Ways to Build Your Character. [Online]. David Horsager. Last Updated: 7 June 2019. Available at: [Accessed 20 October 2022].
Frances Bridges. (2018). 5 Ways to Improve Self-Control. [Online]. Forbes. Last Updated: 28 June 2018. Available at: [Accessed 20 October 2022].
Her World. (2021). How To Build Strong Emotional Connections For Lasting Relationships. [Online]. Sasha Gonzales. Last Updated: JUNE 28, 2021. Available at: [Accessed 20 October 2022].
Mavis Hub. (2020). 20 WAYS TO CONTRIBUTE TO A BETTER WORLD. [Online]. Mavis Hub. Last Updated: 26 October 2020. Available at: [Accessed 20 October 2022].
NHS UK. (Unknown Year). Raising low self-esteem. [Online]. NHS UK. Last Updated: 2021. Available at: [Accessed 20 October 2022].
Web MD. (2021). Ways to manage stress. [Online]. Lauren Ragland. Last Updated: 14 September 2021. Available at: [Accessed 20 October 2022].